Raven Simulator Setup Instructions 
Basic setup instructions to help you maximize the value of your fully functional, high quality Raven product display.
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Congratulations and thank you for taking the next step in becoming a high-tech Raven dealer by investing in a Raven Simulator!
Here are some basic set-up instructions to help you maximize the value of your fully functional, high quality Raven product display.
When powered on for the first time, the Viper® 4+ will prompt you to configure the machine.
When you first power up the Viper® 4+:
1. Acknowledge the License Agreement prompt by selecting the OK button.
2. Select the appropriate language from the drop-down menu and select the OK button. You can place a checkmark in the box to prevent this choice from showing again at each start up.
3. Read through the Roadway and Obstacles Warning and select the OK button.
4. An Attached Hardware list will populate showing devices added or removed from the machine/config. Select New as we do not currently have a machine configured.
1. Select the Add Machine Panel button.
2. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter a name for the machine or equipment configuration. The machine configuration includes the vehicle or tractor and any connected implements, carts, or tanks. Choose a profile name that will assist with identifying profiles with similar components as new profiles are added for future operations.
3. Select a Machine Type. Self-Propelled is used for the remainder of these instructions, but choose appropriately based on your preference.
4. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the name or designation for the vehicle or tractor used with the profile.
- Note: For example, when setting up a configuration for a pull-type sprayer, the operator might enter the configuration name as "Liquid Applicator" and the tractor nickname as "Front Wheel Assist."
5. You may update the profile for the machine if you choose to change the Type, Sub-Type, Manufacturer, and/or Model from the Custom default value. Select OK.
6. Place a checkmark in ISO Boom and select OK.
7. Complete the first 2 tabs under Sprayer Profile. The first tab includes: Type, Sub-Type, Manufacturer, Model, and Nickname. The second tab includes: GPS Measurements/Offsets as well as the machine Wheel Base.
8. Select the third tab and select the Done button to return to the Machine Configuration panel.

9. Select the Done button again to return to the main run screen of the Viper 4+.

Please watch this short video on how to set up or make changes to your User Profile.
Setting up a Raven Rate Control Module (RCM) Profile helps you implement specific settings for sectional control for your applications using the RCM.
1. Tap the “UT” button.
2. Tap the “Settings” icon.
3. On the Applicator Setup screen, tap “Change/New”
4. On the Select Profile pop-up, click “New Profile” and hit the checkmark.
5. Enter a profile name (representative of an application – e.g., liquid).
6. Select the machine type. (e.g., self-propelled sprayer).
7. Set the application width – the width of your application machine. Tap ‘Next.”
8. Set the number of control units (ECU) to the number of RCM units you’re using and select the number of
products you want represented by each. You can use up to 5 products per RCM ECU. Then tap “Next.”
9. Follow the machine- or operation-specific instructions.
a. Granular (example) single-bin single-product spreader settings:
i. Name Profile screen
1. Profile name: dry spreader
2. Machine type: Pull-behind Spreader
3. Application Width: 60 feet
ii. Setup System
1. 1 ECU with 1 product
iii. Setup Fan / Spinner RPM
1. 1 fan – check the box for control.
iv. Setup Application Type
1. Granular fertilizer
2. Application mode – select “Granular Full Width”
v. Setup Auxiliary Drivers – pass to next screen
vi. Section Summary – confirm 1 section with 60 feet wide is showing.
vii. RPM Sensor Assignment – make sure box is checked for Product 1.
viii. Setup Control Valve
1. Leave Control Valve Type as PWM Close (you do not want your belt to open as you go around the headlands.)
2. Valve Response Rate – 50% is a good starting point.
3. Enable PWM Smart Control.
ix. Setup PWM – leave the presets as your settings.
x. Setup Rate Sensor –
1. Product Density - 70.0 lb/feet3
2. Spreader Constant – 250 pulses/feet3 (contact spreader manufacturer for specific constant)
3. Pulses / Revolution – encoder or rate number. 180 is most common.
4. Gate height – 3 inches.
xi. Setup Tank/Bin –
1. Tank Capacity – 10,000 lbs.
2. Tank Level – 10,000 lbs.
3. Low Tank Level – 250 (check if you want alarm notifications when tank is low).
4. Activate Low Bin Level Sensor – leave other settings as is.
xii. Setup Rates
1. Preset Rate Values – 250, 300, 350.
2. Rate pump – 10
3. Leave Rate at Predefined or Rx.
xiii. Setup Alarms
1. Set Off Rate Alarm and check Shaft Sensor alarm if applicable.
xiv. Set-up Rate Sensor
1. Product 2 – would be your fans.
a. Set to PWM Close
b. Enable PWM Smart Control.
2. RPM Cal – leave at 1 Pulse/Rev (can be up to 4)
xv. Setup Rates (Spinner Speeds)
1. Preset Rate Values: 500, 600, 650
2. Rate Bump – 10 RPM
3. Leave rest as/is
xvi. Setup Summary – shows all relevant details.
b. Liquid (example) self-propelled sprayer set-up:
i. Name Profile
1. Profile Name: Liquid
2. Machine type: Self-Propelled Sprayer
3. Application Width: 100 feet
ii. Setup System
1. 1 ECU – 1 Product
iii. Select Application Type
1. Select “Liquid”
iv. Aux-N setup. Leave blank.
v. Setup Sections
1. Number of sections: 5
2. Section Valve type – 3-Wire
3. Uncheck “Equal Width Sections”
4. Uncheck “Fence Rows Enable”
vi. Setup Section Width
1. Set up different section widths (since you unchecked “Equal Width”)
a. 10 feet on the ends (sections 1-5)
b. 20 feet on the next sections (sections 2 – 4)
c. 40 feet in the middle (section 3) – this gives us a total of 100 feet.
vii. Setup Auxiliary Drivers (e.g., lights, etc.) – leave blank.
viii. Section summary – verify that section widths are correct, as well as signal drivers.
ix. Setup Pressure Sensors – None
x. Auxiliary Functions – leave unchecked.
xi. Setup Control Valve – Product 1
1. Set as Standard valve type.
2. Leave Valve Response Rate/Deadband as preset/default.
xii. Setup Rate Sensor
1. Flowmeter calibration number – 1440 (depending on flowmeter)
a. Leave unit as 10 gal
xiii. Setup Tank/Bin
1. Leave as “None”
2. Tank capacity: 1200 gal
3. Current tank level: 1200
4. Low tank level (alarm setting): 100, check box
xiv. Setup Rates
1. Preset Rate values: 5.0, 7.5, 10.0
2. Rate Bump: 1.0 gal/ac
3. Rate Selection: Predefined or Rx
4. Display Smoothing – keep checked
5. Decimal shift – leave at 1
xv. Setup Alarms
1. Off rate alarm – 20% (leave checked)
a. Will tell you if you are off-rate by 20% or more
2. Minimum Flow Rate – low limit. Set to 12.0
xvi. Verify setup summary.
10. Confirm that settings are correct on the run screen.
11. Once the profile is set up, you need to put the RCM in Demo Mode.
a. Select the Heartbeat button on the right-side of the RCM UT.
b. Tap the second Tests tab and click Demonstration Mode from the drop-down menu and then the Done button.
c. Select the Begin button.
d. Read the explanation and select the checkmark.
e. Select the Flow Simulation Type.
i. Select None if you want no flow to be simulated.
ii. Select Fixed Freq to simulate a consistent flow rate. Enter the desired flow value in the corresponding pop-up.
iii. Select Rate Tracking if you want the system to adjust flow so it matches the target application rate on the main screen.
f. Enter Simulated Pressure for pressure sensors 1, 3, and 5; and then do the same for 2, 4,and 6.
1. Verify that the software versions are up to date.
a. Select the upper Left-hand corner.
b. Select System Manager.
c. Select the second tab from the left labeled Hardware Update. Ensure the HDU, Raven Rate<
Control Modules, and RS1 node versions match the latest versions, shown on screen. (GFX:
HDU 2.60.29 | Raven Rate Control Module | RS1
i. If older software is installed, updates are required. See the Raven RS1 Calibration and
Operation Manual for more information.
d. Once verified, exit the System Manager screen.
2. Next, we’ll configure the machine profile.
a. Select the User Terminal (UT) button.
b. Select the Steering widget.
c. Accept the Operator Liability Waiver.
d. Select the first profile labeled “Available” and select the Next button.
e. Select DEMO as the machine type.
f. Select Internal GPS Simulator for the Machine Make.
g. Select RS1 Speed Source for Machine Model.
h. Your Guidance setup should auto-fill with Auto for the Guidance Partner. Select the Next button.
i. Enter the machine dimensions that were set up on the Viper 4+ and select the Next button.
j. Select Steering Only under the Omni System Automation Level.
3. Set up GPS.
a. Select SBAS in the Differential Source drop-down and select the Next button.
b. Wait until converged, then select the Next button.
4. Calibrate Terrain Compensation.
a. Accept the default node orientation.
b. Turn the speed dial up to get the distance required above 32.8 feet (9.9974 meters).
c. Select the Next arrow after reading the directions.
d. Make sure the speed dial is set to Off for 0 speed and select the Calibrate button.
e. Using the speed dial and steering wheel, complete the terrain compensation by driving a "lightbulb" shape if viewed from above. The readings will need to be green in color for the Calibrate button to reappear. Select it once available.
f. After terrain compensation is complete, select the Next button.
5. Test the Resume switch.
a. On the Verify Resume Switch screen, the icon will turn from red to green when you toggle the
Resume Switch. Test this out, then click “next.”
a. On the Disengage Calibration screen, turn the steering wheel at a typical rate and then select the Next button.
7. Set Left Wheel Angle Sensor Value
a. Using the speed dial, drive the machine 1-4 MPH.
b. Turn the steering wheel to the left until a current sensor voltage of 1.00V is achieved. If you turn
too far, turn the opposite direction.
c. Select the Left input value highlighted in blue. This sets the Left Wheel Angle Sensor value.
8. Set Center Wheel Angle Sensor Value
a. Then, turn the steering wheel to the right until the current sensor voltage reads 2.50V.
b. Select the Center input value highlighted in blue. This sets the Center Wheel Angle Sensor value.
9. Set Right Wheel Angle Sensor Value
a. Then, turn the steering wheel to the right until the current sensor voltage reads 4.00V.
b. Select the Right input value highlighted in blue. This sets the Right Wheel Angle Sensor value.
c. Select the Next button.
10. Review the summary screen.
11. Select the checkmark.
1. Once the RCM and SC1 UTs are set up, select the Map icon to return to the main run page.
2. Select the Machine icon (should have a red "boom" on it).
3. Select the third tab (self-propelled equipment).
- Select the Add button and the RCM boom setup information will be populated automatically.
- If successful, select the Done button two times to return to the main run screen.
4. Verify operation by starting a job.
- Set an A/B line and attempt to engage steering.
- Enable Product Control and toggle the Master switch.
Please watch this short video on even more tips and tricks for your Raven simulator!
Download Raven Simulator Instructions PDF